About Abi McCluskey

Get in touch on 07711 664 915 or email me at abi@yourheartflame.com

Despite a long and successful career in Business Consultancy, I realised that I had never really felt happy or fulfilled. I experienced really positive, life changing results in overcoming my own challenges through Block Clearance Therapy (BCT) and I became fascinated with how our subconscious mind creates the patterns and behaviours that shape our lives. I began to study and qualified as a practitioner in 2009 with Distinction.


I am practical, down to earth, direct & objective whilst being compassionate.  I work with clients to get to the root causes of patterns or behaviour that they want to change and help them to overcome these and move forward with their lives.


I also work with families and couples to help them to navigate the tricky path of relationship conflicts, challenges & ways to resolve these.  


My 20+ years of business consulting experience also equips me with the skills to support those successful business executives who recognise that accessing therapy does not imply weakness, and that this and business mentoring are useful external support tools to help them continue to thrive and succeed.


I  offer telephone and video call sessions using Skype, WhatsApp, Facetime etcI also see clients at my home just outside Worcester and at The Tree of Life Centre near Cheltenham.